Dr. Girish Mathur
President - API
Dr. Milind Y Nadkar
President Elect – API
Dr. Shyam Sundar
Past President - API
Dr. Jyotirmoy Pal
Dean - ICP
Dr. Agam C Vora
Hon. General Secretary - API
Dr. Gurpreet Singh Wander
Director - PRF
Dr. Amit A. Saraf
Dr. Mangesh Tiwaskar
Honorary Editor Journal of API (JAPI)
Dr. Shashank R. Joshi
Editor in Chief API Text Book of Medicine
Dr. K.K. Pareek
Chairman, API House Committee
Dr. Banshi Saboo
Org. Secretary APICON 2023 – Ahmedabad
Dr. Rajesh Upadhyay
Org. Secretary APICON 2024 – Delhi)