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As per the decision of the Editorial Board meeting held on 28th December 2022, from February 2023 onwards, all the Postgraduate members will receive E copy of the JAPI as a Go-Green initiative. The physical copy / Hard copy of a particular issue will be provided to the member with a special request sent from the registered email ID to the JAPI office. Important Message to API Members click here to read

President’s Message

Dr Girish Mathur

Dear friends,

It’s my absolute pleasure and privilege to welcome all members of Association of physicians of India, the most prestigious and premier Organization of the physicians which is one of the largest body of professionals in the country.

Association of physicians of India which is today 22000 members strong was founded in year 1944 by nine visionary physicians with an aim to provide a common forum to the physicians of India to meet and to share experience and research observations in the field of medicine.  

It has been the constant endeavour of Association of physicians of India to empower Indian physicians with creative,continuous and significant new knowledge and skill.  

This website of API is designed to provide update information about various activities of Association of physicians of India and its academic and research wings , Indian college of physicians and Physicians research foundation.  

I seek your valuable suggestions, feedback and guidance to take this elite Organization to even greater heights.  

Dr Girish Mathur
Association of physicians of India.