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API Textbook Of Medicine – 11th Edition – Contents

1. Introduction Sandhya A Kamath
Section 1 : Epidemiology
1. Principles of Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases Jugal Kishore, Tanu Anand
2. Principles of Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases Jugal Kishore, Tanu Anand
Section 2 : Clinical Approach
1. Approach to a Febrile Patient DB Kadam
2. Pain – A General Approach Mangesh Tiwaskar
3. Chest Pain Ajaykumar U Mahajan
4. Dyspnoea Udai Lal
5. Cough and Hemoptysis Haridas B Prasad
6. Palpitations Milind Phadke
7. Abdominal Pain Pravin Rathi
8. Lymphadenopathy Vrinda Kulkarni
9. Oedema and Anasarca Sekhar Chakraborty
10. Ascites Neelam Narendra Redkar
11. Jaundice Aniruddha Y Phadke
12. Constipation and Diarrhoea Prabha Sawant
13. Weight Loss and Cachexia A Muruganathan, Gowri Sankar Murugan
14. Altered Sensorium Mrinal Kanti Roy, Sujoy Sarkar
15. Syncope Amar R Pazare
16. Dizziness and Vertigo Sanjiv Maheshwari
17. Approach to Ataxia CS Narayanan
18. Motor Weakness Uma Sundar
19. Sensory Loss Rajinder K Bansal
20. Fever with Rash Yojana Gokhale
Section 3 : Infectious Diseases
Part A: General Considerations
1. Basic Considerations of Infections MVS Subbalaxmi
2. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infections Camilla Rodrigues, Anand Shah
3. Syndromic Approach to Infectious Diseases Mahendra Dadke
4. Antimicrobial Therapy: PKPD of Antimicrobials Rajeev Soman
5. Inhibitors of Cell Wall Synthesis Vasudeva Acharya
6. Protein Synthesis Inhibitors and Folate Metabolism Inhibitors Raman Gaikwad
7. Miscellaneous & Newer Antibiotics Ashwini Tayade
8. Antibiotic Resistance & Antimicrobial Stewardship Abdul Ghafur
9. Infections in the Immuno compromised Host Priscilla Rupali
10. Hospital-Acquired Infections/Nosocomial Infections A Murali
11. Hospital Infection Control Rohini Kelkar
Part B: Bacterial Infections : Gram-positive infections
12. Staphylococcal Infections Ram Gopalakrishnan
13. Streptococcal Infections Surabhi Madan
14. Pneumococcal Infections Preeti M Pillai
15. Enterococcal Infections Sujata Baveja
16. Diphtheria Sandeep B Bavdekar
17. Listeria BR Bansode
18. Clostridial Infections Vidya Devarajan
Part C: Bacterial Infections : Gram-negative Infection
19. Meningococcal Infections Neha Gupta
20. Gonococcal Infections Uday S Khopkar, Prachi V Gole
21. Typhoid Enteric Fever George K Varghese
22. Bacillary Dysentery Tanu Singhal
23. Cholera Jaya Chakravarty
24. Enterobacteriaceae Nitin Shinde
25. Haemophilus Influenzae Infections M Sabir
26. Legionnaire’s Disease Shruti Tandan-Pardasani
27. Plague and Other Yersinia Ifections Vipul Shah
28. Enterobacteriaceae Infections Mahesh Kumar Lakhe
29. Melioidosis (Burkholderia) Ayesha J Sunavala
30. Pseudomonas Anup Warrier
31. Acinetobacter Vasant Nagvekar
32. Pertusis (Whooping Cough) Sanjeevani Satish Masavkar
Part D: Bacterial Infections : Miscellaneous Bacterial Infection
33. Syphilis HR Jerajani
34. Non-Syphilitic Treponematoses Taru Garg
35. Leptospirosis Bharat Dattatraya Purandare
36. Other Spirochaetal Infections: Lyme Disease & Rat Bite Fever K Tewary
37. Brucellosis Syed Manzoor Kadri
38. Donovanosis Vidya Kharkar
39. Actinomycosis Smrati Bajpai Tiwari
40. Bartonella Infections Pallavi Bhargava
41. Nocardiosis Kirti C Sabnis
Part E: Bacterial Infections : Mycobacterial Infections
42. Laboratory Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Gita Nataraj
43. Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis (TB) Sujeet Rajan
44. Treatment of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Prahlad P Prabhudesai, Abha Pandey
45. Non-tuberculos Mycobacteria & their Infections Aruna Poojary
46. Leprosy Usha Naraindas Khemani
Part F: Bacterial Infections : Rickettsial, Chlamydial and Mycoplasma Infections
47. Rickettsial Infections Rajeev Raina
48. Chlamydial Infections Prasanta Kumar Bhattacharya
49. Mycoplasma Infections Arvind Ghongane
Part G: Protozoal Diseases
50. Malaria Kavitha Saravu
51. Amoebiasis and Giardiasis Jyotirmoy Pal, Subhadeep Gupta
52. Leishmaniasis Shyam Sundar
53. Toxoplasmosis Madhukar Rai
54. Trypanosomiasis Prashant P Joshi
55. Cryptosporidiosis, Trichomoniasis, Balantidiasis and Cystoisospora Atul Bhasin
Part H: Helminthic Diseases
56. Ankylostomiasis, Ascariasis and Other Nematodal Infections Narender Pal Jain, Rishu Bhanot
57. Tapeworm and Hydatid Diseases Jyoti Jain
58. Filariasis and Other Related Infections TK Suma
59. Schistosomiasis / Bilharziasis Anita Nambiar
Part I: Fungal Infections
60. Systemic Fungal Infections Atul Prabhakar Kulkarni, Suhail Sarwar Siddiqui
61. Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia V Ramasubramanian
Part J: Viral Infections
62. Basic Considerations of Viral Diseases Dilip Mathai
63. Herpes Virus Infections Aditya Prakash Misra
64. Human Papilloma Virus and Parvovirus Infection Kavita Joshi
65. Influenza (Incl SARS, MERS, Avian Flu and Metapneumovirus) Swati Rajagopal
66. Dengue GD Ravindran
67. Japanese Encephalitis Pettarusp Murzban Wadia
68. Ebola and Marburg Infections Bhupen Barman, Kaustubh Bora
69. Rabies Tarun Kumar Dutta
70. Viral Gastroenteritis Preeti Shanbag
71. Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella and Other Viral Exanthemas Anupama Mauskar
72. Zika Virus Infection Harsh Toshniwal
73. Hantavirus Infections Sara Chandy, Dilip Mathai
74. Chikungunya Vikram Londhey
75. Viral Infections in Transplant Recipients Subramanian Swaminathan, Sujata Rege
76. Nipah Virus Infection Chandni Radhakrishnan
Section 4: HIV Medicine
1. Epidemiology of HIV / AIDS Naval Chandra, Alaka Deshpande
2. HIV Virology, Immunology and Laboratory Diagnosis Sunil K Arora, Gurleen Mehta
3. Pathophysiology of HIV/AIDs Ameet Dravid
4. Antiretroviral Therapy BB Rewari
5. HIV Drug Resistance Alaka Deshpande
6. Non-opportunistic Infection Complications in HIV Anil Kumar Tripathi, D Himanshu
7. Opportunistic Infections Sanjay Pujari
8. Non-pharmacologic Interventions & Prevention in HIV (including vaccine development) R Sajithkumar
9. HIV Vaccine Ramesh S Paranjape
10. ART and Drug Interactions Atul K Patel, Ketan K Patel
Section 5: Medical Genetics
1. Molecular Genetics, Human Genome Project and Genomic Medicine KM Girisha
2. Mendel and Beyond Ratna Dua Puri
3. Mutations and Molecular Pathology Prajnya Ranganath
4. Conventional and Molecular Cytogenetics Ashutosh Halder
5. Molecular Diagnostics Ashwin Dalal
6. Cancer Genetics Rajiv Sarin
7. Treatment of Genetic Disorders Shagun Aggarwal
8. Genetic Counselling and Prenatal Diagnosis Shubha R Phadke
9. Next Generation Sequencing: Future Medicine Madhulika Kabra, Neerja Gupta
Section 6 : Immunology
1. An Overview of the Immune System Amita Aggarwal, Sita Naik
2. Immunology of Infectious Diseases Sita Naik
3. Autoimmune Diseases: Immune Mechanisms and Diagnosis Ramnath Misra, Amita Aggarwal
4. Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders: Approach and Diagnosis Surjit Singh, Amit Rawat
5. Pharmacological Manipulation of the Immune System Mitali Chatterjee, Alakendu Ghosh
6. Immunology of Organ and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Narinder K Mehra, Neeraj Kumar
Section 7 : Rheumatology
1. Basic Considerations of Rheumatology Rohini Handa
2. Soft Tissue Rheumatism and Regional Rheumatic Pain Syndromes Ved Chaturvedi
3. Low Back Pain Ghan Shyam Pangtey, Hemant Gopal
4. Osteoarthritis Siddharth Kumar Das
5. Gout and Other Crystal Arthritides URK Rao
6. Rheumatoid Arthritis AN Malaviya
7. Spondarthritides Milind Y Nadkar
8. Sjogren’s Syndrome Uma Kumar, Sauvik Dasgupta
9. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Rohini Satish Samant
10. Antiphospholipid Syndrome Vikas Agarwal, Anupam Wakhlu
11. Inflammatory Muscle Disease Alakendu Ghosh
12. Systemic Sclerosis Shefali Khanna Sharma
13. The Vasculitides Pradeep Bambery
14. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) & Overlap Syndromes G Narsimulu, Rajendra Vara Prasad
15. Rheumatic Manifestations of Systemic Diseases D Debashish Danda
16. Miscellaneous Rheumatic Disorders Binoy J Paul
17. Emergencies in Rheumatology Madhumita P Das
18. Tropical Rheumatic Diseases Aman Sharma
19. Biologics & Biosimilars in Rheumatology VS Negi, KG Chengappa
20. Pregnancy and Rheumatic Diseases Sushant Shinde
Section 8: Nutrition
1. Nutrition: Basic Considerations SV Madhu
2. Assessment of Nutritional Status Prema Ramachandran
3. Severe Acute Malnutrition Alka R Jadhav
4. Water Soluble Vitamins Charulata Vikram Londhe
5. Fat Soluble Vitamins Archana Sonawale
6. Minerals, Trace Elements and Antioxidants Shibendu Ghosh
7. Food Allergy and Food Intolerance Uliyar V Mani
Section 9: Metabolism
1. Basic Consideration of Metabolism SK Singh, Saurabh Singh
2. Inborn Errors of Carbohydrate Metabolism Rajesh Khadgawat, Aashima Gupta
3. Disorders of Protein Metabolism Sidhartha Das, Saroj Kumar Tripathy
4. Disorders of Lipid and Lipoprotein Metabolism SK Wangnoo
5. Disorders of Adipose Tissue and Obesity Soumitra Ghosh
6. Disorders of Aminoacid Transport and Metabolism Archana Kher
7. Unspecified Disorders of Metabolism Deep Dutta
8. Disorders of Iron Metabolism and Iron Overload Syndromes Sudhir Mehta, Laxmi Kant Goyal
9. The Porphyrias Dhanpat Kumar Kochar, Abhishek Kochar
10. Amyloidosis Manisha Sahay
11. Wilson’s Disease S Sinha, AB Taly
Section 10: Bone Disorders
1. Vitamin D in Health and Disease CV Harinarayan
2. Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Health and Disease Subhankar Chowdhury, Soumik Goswami
3. Investigations and Diagnosis of Bone Disorders Sameer Aggarwal, Ravinder Goswami
4. Radiological Manifestations of Common Metabolic Bone Disorders Arun Kumar Gupta,
Devasenathipathy Kandasamy
5. Rickets and Osteomalacia Anuradha Vaman Khadilkar, Neha Kajale
6. Osteoporosis Meeta Singh, Harinder Singh
7. Developmental Disorders of the Bone Jubbin Jacob
8. Fluorosis D Raja Reddy
9. Miscellaneous Bone Disorders Thomas V Paul, Nitin Kapoor
Section 11: Endocrinology
1. Basic Considerations of Endocrinology Sanjay Kalra
2. Endocrine Disorders: A Clinical Approach Shashank R Joshi
3. Disorders of Hypothalamus and Pineal Gland Bashir Ahmad Laway, Abdul Hamid Zargar
4. Disorders of Anterior Pituitary KVS Hari Kumar
5. Disorders of Posterior Pituitary Gumpeny Ramachandra Sridhar
6. Disorders of Thyroid Glands Nikhil Tandon, Nishant Raizada
7. Disorders of Parathyroid Glands Ambrish Mithal, Beena Bansal
8. Disorders of Adrenal Glands Eesh Bhatia, Vijayalakshmi Bhatia
9. Disorders of Puberty Manoj Chadha, Gayatri Ghanekar
10. Disorders of Growth and Development Nalini S Shah
11. Polyglandular Endocrine Syndromes Ameya Joshi
12. Disorders of Male Gonads Nishant Raizada
13. Endocrine Disorders of Female Gonads Premlata K Varthakavi
Section 12: Diabetology
1. Basic Consideration in Diabetes Mellitus AG Unnikrishnan, Suganthi Kumaran
2. Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus and its Various Sub Types Viswanathan Mohan
3. Lifestyle Management in Diabetes Yash Pal Munjal, Anupam Prakash
4. Oral Anti-diabetes Drugs Anil Bhansali, Ashu Rastogi
5. Insulins Siddharth N Shah
6. In Hospital Management of Diabetes Mellitus K Felix Jebasingh, Nihal Thomas
7. Acute Complications of Diabetes Mellitus (Hypoglycaemia, DKA, HHS, Lactic Acidosis) Samar Banerjee
8. Diabetic Kidney Disease Rakesh Kumar Sahay
9. Diabetes and the Eye Anjali Nicholson, Maneck Nicholson
10. Diabetic Neuropathy Benny Negalur
11. Diabetic Foot in the India Scenario Vijay Viswanathan, Anitha Rani A
12. Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetes Sarita Bajaj
13. Diabetes and Pregnancy V Seshiah, V Balaji
14. Macrovascular Complications in Diabetes Rajesh Rajput, Vaibhav Pathak
15. Use of Technology in Diabetes Mellitus KM Prasanna Kumar
16. Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus Ambady Ramachandran, Chamukuttan Snehalatha
Section 13: Haematology
1. Haematopoiesis RV Shaji, Renu Saxena
2. Approach to Anemia and Polycythemia M Mahapatra, DK Mishra
3. Approach to Bleeding and Thrombosis Shashikant Apte, Sukesh Nair
4. Approach to Disorders of Granulocytes and Monocytes Pravas Mishra, Neelam Varma
5. Nutritional Anaemia Subhash Varma
6. Hereditary Haemolytic Anemia VP Choudhry
7. Acquired Haemolytic Anemia Farah Jijina
8. Aplastic Anaemia Biju George
9. Myelodysplastic Syndromes Tulika Seth
10. Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Vikram Mathews
11. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia & Other Myeloproliferative Neoplasma M Joseph John
12. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Navin Khattry
13. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Dinesh Bhurani
14. Lymphoma and Other Lymphoid Neoplasms Reena Nair, Neeraj Arora
15. Plasma Cell Disorders Pankaj Malhotra
16. Platelet Disorders Prantar Chakrabarti
17. Coagulation Disorders Alok Srivastava
18. Transfusion Medicine Neelam Marwaha, Dolly Daniel
19. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Mammen Chandy
Section 14: Oncology
1. Development in Cancer Tapan K Saikia
2. Principles of Cancer Biology and Pathology Anita M Borges
3. Cancer Screening and Prevention Atul Sharma, Raja Pramanik
4. Principles of Drug Treatment of Cancer Lalit Kumar, Prabhat Singh Malik
5. Principle of Radiotherapy GK Rath
6. Head and Neck Cancer VP Gangadharan
7. Breast Cancer Vinay H Deshmane
8. Gastroesophageal Cancer Mohandas K Mallath
9. Hepato – Biliary Cancers Varun Goel, DC Doval
10. Colorectal Cancer K Govind Babu
11. Benign and Malignant Tumors of the Tracheobronchial Tree Anant Mohan, Avneet Garg
12. Genitourinary Cancers Sudeep Gupta, Amit Joshi
13. Gynaecological Cancers PP Bapsy, Sonal Dhande
14. Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas Manish Agarwal
15. Cancer of Unknown Primary Site Hemant Malhotra
16. Paraneoplastic Syndromes Senthil Rajappa
17. Cancers of the Predisposed Host (Cancer Proneness) Raghunadharao Digumarti, Praveen Adusumilli
18. Carcinoid Syndrome K Pavithran
19. Supportive Care in Cancer Madhuchanda Kar, Rakesh Roy
20. Oncological Emergencies Prasanth Ganesan
Section 15: Nephrology
1. Structure and Function of the Kidney Sandeep Mahajan, Yasir Rizvi
2. Kidney Disease – A Clinical Approach Vijay Kher
3. Acute Kidney Injury Vivekanand Jha
4. Chronic Kidney Disease Ashok L Kirpalani, Hardik K Shah
5. Primary Glomerular Diseases Vinay Sakhuja, Raja Ramachandran
6. Secondary Glomerular Diseases OP Kalra, Deepak Jain
7. Infections of the Kidney and Urinary Tract Valentine Lobo
8. Vascular Injury to Kidney AS Narula, AK Hooda
9. Tubulo-interstitial Diseases of the Kidney Sree B Raju
10. Cardio-renal Syndrome Viswanath Billa, Deepa Usulumarty
11. Inherited Kidney Diseases (Including Polycystic Kidney Disease) Alan F Almeida
12. Nephrolithiasis and Urinary Tract Obstruction Jacob George
13. Integrating Kidney Health in Primary Care Rohina Joshi
14. Dose Adjustment in Patients with Renal Impairment and Drug Nephrotoxicity Shrirang Bichu, Parag Tilve
15. Pre Dialysis Care, Nutrition, Palliative Care, Vaccination in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Ankur Gupta
16. Dialysis and Other Extracorporeal Therapies NK Hase
17. Kidney Transplantation N Gopalakrishnan
Section 16: Environmental Medicine
1. Basic Considerations of Environmental and Occupational Diseases Velu Nair
2. Climate Change: Health and Disease UK Sharma
3. Air Pollution and Smoke Related Disorders BNBM Prasad
4. Drowning Vivek Kumar
5. High Altitude Medicine Yanamandra Uday
6. Aerospace Medicine Deepak Gaur
7. Heat Related Illness Vattaparambil Sabid Syed
8. Electric Shock and Lightning Injury V Bhatti
9. Radiation Hazard DN Karan
10. Medical Aspects of Disaster Management Velu Nair, CS Makhani
11. Hospital Environment Shankar Subramanian
Section 17: Pulmonology
1. Respiratory System: Basic Anatomy and Physiology SK Chhabra
2. Pulmonary Disorders – A Clinical Approach Jyotsna M Joshi
3. Diagnostic Procedures in Pulmonary Disorders Karan Madan
4. Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Nimish M Shah
5. Bronchial Asthma Virendra Singh, Nishtha Singh
6. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Parvaiz A Koul, Irfan Hussain
7. Pneumonia KT Prasad, Digambar Behera
8. Suppurative Pleuro-pulmonary Diseases Srinivas Rajagopala
9. Pulmonary Tuberculosis Agam Vora
10. Fungal Infections of the Lungs Ashok Shah
11. Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease SK Jindal
12. Eosinophilic Lung Diseases and Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia VK Vijayan
13. Sarcoidosis Randeep Guleria, Pawan Tiwari
14. Sleep Disordered Breathing – An Overview JC Suri
15. Disease of Pleura, Mediastinum, Diaphragm and Chest Wall Vijay Hadda
16. Cor Pulmonale Sandeep Singh, Siddharthan Deepti
17. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Deepak Talwar, Mir Shad Ali
18. Lung Transplantation Ashutosh N Aggarwal
Section 18: Cardiology
A. Introduction
1. Basic Considerations in Cardiology Upendra Kaul, Parneesh Arora
2. Cardiovascular Diseases: A Clinical Approach Gurpreet S Wander, Suraj Kumar
B. Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disorders
3. Electrocardiology Yash Y Lokhandwala, Gopi Krishna Panicker
4. Exercise Testing Prafulla G Kerkar, Aniruddha Pawar
5. Echocardiography Satish Kumar Parashar
6. Cardiac Imaging: Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Angelica Romero, Aalap Chokshi, Jagat Narula, Amir Ahmadi
7. Nuclear Cardiology Vikram R Lele
8. Cardiac Catheterisation and Angiocardiography Samuel Mathew, Abhishek Goyal
C. Heart Failure
9. Heart Failure (Clinical Presentation and Pathophysiology) Saumitra Ray
10. Management of Heart Failure Santanu Guha, Avik Karak
11. Cardiac Transplantation Jamshed J Dalal, Nandkishore Kapadia
D. Valvular Heart disease and Infective Endocarditis
12. Acute Rheumatic Fever Manojkumar Rohit, Drarshan Krishnappa
13. Valvular Heart Disease Neeraj Parakh, VK Bahl
14. Infective Endocarditis Shyam S Kothari, Ravi S Math
E. Coronary Artery Disease
15. Atherosclerosis V Dayasagar Rao, D Sarath Babu
16. Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD): Pathophysiology and Diagnosis Satyavan Sharma, Nikhil Raut
17. Acute Coronary Syndrome-NSTEMI Ashok Seth, Vivudh P Singh
18. Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Ajit S Mullasari, Srinivasan Narayanan
19. Chronic Stable Angina VK Bahl, Neeraj Parakh
20. Coronary Arteriorgraphy and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Nihar Mehta
F. Hypertension
21. Hypertension and its Management Sandhya A Kamath
G. Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac Death
22. Bradyarrhythmias Naved Aslam
23. Tachyarrhythmias Amit Vora
24. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Ashish K Thakur
H. Miscellaneous
25. Congenital Heart Disease Sivasubramanian Ramakrishnan, Sunita Maheshwari
26. Heart in Systemic Diseases Meenakshi Chenniappan
27. Diseases of Myocardium Ajay Bahl
28. Diseases of the Pericardium Sanjay Tyagi, Ankit Bansal
29. Diseases of the Aorta Manotosh Panja, Soumitra Kumar
30. Vascular Disorders of the Extremities NN Khanna, Suparna Rao
31. Pregnancy and Heart Disease Amal Kumar Banerjee
32. Venous Thrombo Embolism (VTE) – Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism BC Srinivas, JR Vijaykumar, RK Pinjala
33. Pulmonary Hypertension Sandeep Bansal, Preeti Gupta
34. Cardiac Tumours PP Mohanan, Benjo Vazhappilly, Julian Jhony Thottan
35. Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease HK Chopra, AK Pancholia
36. Mega-trials in Cardiology Sundeep Mishra
Section 19: Gastroenterology
1. Basic Considerations in Gastrointestinal Diseases V Pratap Mouli, Vineet Ahuja
2. Clinical Approach to a Patient with Gastrointestinal Diseases AC Anand
3. Investigation of Gastrointestinal Disorders Ashok Chacko
4. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Imaging Mathew Philip
5. Oesophageal Disorders Shobna Bhatia, Abhishek Sadalage
6. Diseases of the Stomach and Duodenum Deepak N Amarapurkar
7. Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Uday C Ghoshal
8. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Ajit Sood, Vandana Midha
9. Abdominal Tuberculosis Govind K Makharia
10. Malabsorption BS Ramakrishna
11. Ischaemic Bowel Disease Puneet Dhar
12. Gastrointestinal Bleeding Rajesh Upadhyay
13. Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Systemic Diseases Gourdas Choudhuri, Varun Gupta
14. Acute Pancreatitis Pramod Kumar Garg
15. Chronic Pancreatitis & Pancreatic Tumours Akash Shukla, Alisha Chaubal
Section 20: Hepatology
1. Basic Considerations in Hepatobiliary Disorders Vivek Anand Saraswat
2. Hepatobiliary Disorders: Clinical Approach and Investigations Nagaraja Rao Padaki
3. Hepatobiliary Disorders: Imaging Shrinivas B Desai
4. Acute Viral Hepatitis Rakesh Aggarwal
5. Chronic Viral Hepatitis Radha K Dhiman, Madhumita Premkumar
6. Chronic Non-viral Hepatitis and Cholestatic Diseases CE Eapen
7. Alcoholic Liver Disease Ashish Kumar
8. Cirrhosis of the Liver Philip Abraham
9. Non-cirrhotic Causes of Portal Hypertension Yogesh K Chawla, Arka De
10. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Ajay Duseja
11. Acute Liver Failure SK Acharya, Shalimar
12. Parasitic Infections of the Liver MP Sharma, Vaibhav Gupta
13. Toxic and Drug-induced Liver Injury Harshad Devarbhavi
14. Liver Transplantation Manav Wadhawan
15. Pregnancy and Liver Disease Ashish Goel
16. Diseases of the Gall Bladder and Biliary Tract Usha Dutta, Bipadabhanjan Mallick
17. The Liver in Systemic Diseases Amit Goel
18. Inherited Metabolic Disorders of the Liver Aabha Nagral
Section 21: Neurology
1. Neurological Disorders: Basic Considerations and Clinical Approach MV Padma Srivastava, VY Vishnu, RS Wadia
2. Clinical Neurophysiology J Kalita, UK Misra
3. Neuroimaging Rakesh K Gupta
4. Epilepsy Sanjeev V Thomas, Deepak Menon
5. Disorders of Speech Apoorva Pauranik
6. Disorders of Cranial Nerves SP Gorthi, Aparajita Chatterjee
7. Ischemic Cerebrovascular Diseases Subhash Kaul
8. Hemorrhagic Cerebrovascular Diseases Jeyaraj Durai Pandian, Aishwarya Aggarwal
9. Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis D Nagaraja, N Karthik
10. Bacterial Meningitis and Brain Abscess Ravindra Kumar Garg, Imran Rizvi
11. Neurotuberculosis Roop Gursahani
12. Neuro-ophthalmology Vivek Lal, Aastha Takkar
13. Viral Encephalitis Thomas Iype
14. Slow Virus Infections and Prion Disease SK Shankar
15. Fungal & Parasitic Diseases of Nervous System Manish Modi, Manoj Kumar Goyal
16. Raised Intracranial Pressure and Hydrocephalus Daljit Singh, Vikas Kumar
17. Dementia PS Mathuranath
18. Hypokinetic Movement Disorders Kalyan B Bhattacharyya, Subhadeep Gupta
19. Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders Sanjay Pandey
20. Cerebellar Disorders M Netravathi, PK Pal
21. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Diseases BK Bajaj
22. Demyelinating Disorders of the Central Nervous System Lekha Pandit
23. Nutritional and Toxic Disorder of the Nervous System Usha Kant Misra, Jayantee Kalita
24. Metabolic Disorders of Nervous System Vrajesh Udani, Neelu Desai
25. Intracranial Space-Occupying Lesions P Sarat Chandra, PN Tandon
26. Head Injury Satish B Dharap
27. Peripheral Neuropathy AK Meena, Sireesha Yareeda
28. Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System Ajith Sivadasan
29. Myasthenia Gravis Sumit Singh
30. Diseases of Muscles SV Khadilkar
31. Non-compressive Myelopathies Jimmy A Lalkaka
32. Compressive Myelopathies Chandrashekhar E Deopujari, Chandan Mohanty
Section 22: Psychiatric Medicine
1. Assessment in Clinical Psychiatry Shubhangi R Parkar
2. Organic Mental Disorders PK Dalal, SK Kar
3. Substance Use Disorders Yatan Pal Singh Balhara
4. Psychosis and Schizophrenia Dinesh Kumar Kataria, Prerna Kukreti
5. Mood Disorders Ajita Nayak
6. Neurotic Disorders Henal R Shah
7. Emergency Psychiatry Bharat Panchal
8. Sexual Disorders Neena Sawant
9. Biological and Somatic Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Sandeep Grover
10. Psychotherapies Mukesh Samani
11. Psychosomatic Disorders GK Vankar
Section 23: Critical Care Medicine
1. Basic Considerations in Critical Care Dilip R Karnad
2. Approach to a Critically Ill Patient Mayur H Patel
3. Monitoring of Critically Ill Patients JV Peter
4. Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation Dhruva Chaudhry, Mansi Gupta
5. Fluid Balance Anuj M Clerk
6. Electrolyte Disturbances Srinivas Samavedam
7. Acid-base Disorders Shivakumar Iyer
8. Sepsis Suresh Ramasubban
9. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Subhash Todi
10. Neurocritical Care, Brain Death and Organ Donation Kayanoosh Jay Kadapatti
11. Nutrition in the Critically Ill Patient JV Divatia, Jacob George
12. Hemodynamic Disturbances and Shock Bhuvana Krishna, Sriram Sampath
Section 24: Poisoning & Toxicology
1. Basic Considerations in Poisoning and Toxicology Praveen Aggarwal
2. Plant Poisoning DKS Subrahmanyam, Mukta Wyavahare
3. Recreational Drug Overdoses Narinder Pal Singh, Anish Kumar Gupta
4. Organophosphorus Compound Poisoning Trupti H Trivedi
5. Aluminium Phosphide and Other Metal Phosphide Poisoning Ashish Bhalla
6. Other Pesticide Poisoning Shashikala A Sangle, Neha R Suryawanshi
7. Toxic Alcohols ND Karnik
8. Toxic Gas Poisoning (Including Industrial Gases, CO Poisoning) Tejas Prajapati
9. Corrosive Acid and Alkali Poisoning Sandeep Garg, Pinkesh Parmar
10. Snakebite SP Kalantri, Sumedh Jajoo
11. Scorpion Sting Himmatrao Saluba Bawaskar, Pramodini Himmatrao Bawaskar
12. Heavy Metal Poisoning including Copper Sulphate Debendra Nath Guha Mazumder
13. Epidemic Dropsy Partha Sarathi Karmakar
14. Drug Overdose Vikas Loomba
15. Miscellaneous – Including Household and Other Poisoning Vikas Suri, Udit Narang
Section 25: Diagnostic Imaging
1. Imaging Modalities – An Overview Saugata Sen
2. Plain Radiographs and Procedures Ashu Seith Bhalla
3. Role of Ultrasound in Medicine Nitin Chaubal
4. Computed Tomography Bhavin Jankharia
5. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Raju Sharma, Devasenathipathy Kandasamy
6. Nuclear Medicine BR Mittal, Harmandeep Singh
7. Patient Safety Bhavin Jankharia
Section 26: Gerontology
1. Medicine in an Ageing World AB Dey, Indani Hrishikesh
2. Ageing Biology Indrajeet Singh Gambhir
3. Principles and Practice of Geriatrics and Therapeutics in Older Adults Y Sathyanarayana Raju, Yadati Rahul
4. Geriatric Syndromes Prashun Chatterjee
5. Preventive Geriatrics Arvind Mathur
Section 27: Other Specialities
1. Immunisation in Adults, Travel Medicine and the Use of Vaccines Falguni S Parikh
2. Sexual Medicine Prakash Kothari
3. Sports and Exercise Medicine Aashish Contractor, Anant Joshi
4. Diet in Medical Disorders Sudha Vidyasagar
5. Tobacco Smoking – Related Diseases and Tobacco Cessation Raj Kumar
6. Perioperative Management Prabha Adhikari
7. Legalities in Medical Practice Amrita G Shenoy, Gopinath N Shenoy
8. Clinical Pharmacology for the Physician Urmila Thatte, Nayan Chaudhari
9. Yoga and Medicine BB Thakur, Damodar Thakur
10. Communication Skills Santosh Bandopant Salagre
11. Medical Ethics Sunil K Pandya
12. Palliative Care Mary Ann Muckaden
13. Insurance Medicine Asha Sapre
14. Regenerative Medicine: From Concept to Reality Soniya Nityanand, Naresh Kumar Tripathy
15. Futuristic Medicine Vishal Gupta, Priya Bhate