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As per the decision of the Editorial Board meeting held on 28th December 2022, from February 2023 onwards, all the Postgraduate members will receive E copy of the JAPI as a Go-Green initiative. The physical copy / Hard copy of a particular issue will be provided to the member with a special request sent from the registered email ID to the JAPI office. Important Message to API Members click here to read

General Secretaries

Year General Secretaries Place
1944, 1946 B.B. Yodh Bombay
1947 A. Srinivasan Madras
1948, 1950-1952 J.C. Patel Bombay
1953-1961 S.S. Ugrankar Bombay
1962-1970 C.V. Talwalkar Bombay
1971-1977 P.G. Kamath Bombay
1978-1979 M. Paul Anand Bombay
1980-1988 D.B. Pahlajani Bombay
1989 Rohit Mody Bombay
1990-1994 Aspi R. Billimoria Mumbai
1995-1999 Siddharth N.Shah Mumbai
2000-2009 Sandhya Kamath Mumbai
2010-2015 Milind Nadkar Mumbai
2016-2021 Mangesh Tiwaskar Mumbai
2022-2024 Agam Vora Mumbai