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As per the decision of the Editorial Board meeting held on 28th December 2022, from February 2023 onwards, all the Postgraduate members will receive E copy of the JAPI as a Go-Green initiative. The physical copy / Hard copy of a particular issue will be provided to the member with a special request sent from the registered email ID to the JAPI office. Important Message to API Members click here to read

Monographs 2017

1. Practical Pearls In Diabetes Dr. Vijay Viswanatha / Prakash Govindasamy
2. Critical Care Medicine Dr.Mayur Patel
3. Lipidology in Clinical Practice Dr.S. N. Narasingan
4. C O P D - Indian Perspective Dr.Vitull K. Gupta
5. Headache Dr.Anup K. Bhattacharya / Ashis Saha
6. Common Hematological Disease in India Dr.Sudhir Mehta / Upendra Sharma
7. Infectious Diseases - Fever Managament Protocolos Dr.Jayanta K. Panda
8. Diabetic Dyslipidemia Dr.Banshi Saboo
9. Clinical Approach to Respiratory Diseases Dr.Devendra P. Singh
10. Anemia Dr.Rajasekar Ramanathan
11. Vertigo and Syncope Dr.Lakshmi Narasimhan Ranganathan